It’s time to say ‘so long’

In Print Writer’s Organization disbanded at the beginning of 2019, but our website survived to another year because we had already paid for it. Soon, this too will disappear. If you want to look around and copy any of the pictures or other items posted here, please do so before it’s gone. We’re not sure when the last day will be, but it could be as soon as a couple of weeks into 2020. At that time, the site will be back on the market.

If you had a link to a website posted on this page, please feel free to post it at the In Print Facebook page, which will continue. (See the link below.)

For a full explanation about why In Print is no longer an organization, read this from the last board at A Word from the Board.

The farewell party drew quite a crowd on Feb. 2, 2019. If you didn’t make it, we missed you. But keep up with us at In Print Writers Organization on Facebook.